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About I. Kirkpatrick Construction


After graduating and during college, he worked as a journeyman carpenter building custom homes in Los Angeles and Orange County, California.


In 2002, Isaac returned to Kauai and worked as a foreman for his dad.  Working along side his dad building custom homes, he learned all aspects of custom home building.  Isaac successfully built and managed all aspects and phases of construction.

In 2010, Isaac's dad retired from contracting and Isaac started his own general contracting business.  I. Kirkpatrick Construction has been successfully building custom new residential homes since 2010.

Isaac is a highly skilled builder in many areas of residential construction.  His attention to detail and his ability to follow through to completion coupled with a strong work ethic and a high level of integrity has ensured the success of many custom homes.

Isaac loves spending time with his beautiful supportive wife and amazing four children.  Between family and work, he spends his free time in the ocean.

Isaac was born and raised on the island of Kauai and has experience building custom homes for more than 20 years.

Isaac's dad, Dane Kirkpatrick, was a prominent and successful general contractor on Kauai for more than 30 years.  Isaac's love for carpentry started at an early age.  Since Isaac was around 5 years old and up to 18 years old, he spent many days after school, weekends, and summers with his dad learning the trade building custom homes.

In 1991, Isaac graduated from high school on Kauai and in 1996, he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Management at the Masters University in Los Angeles, California.

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